Wednesday 2 June 2010

Busy Busy

A whistle stop catch up on the last week. Hob knobbing at the opening party of the for new fourth plinth sculpture at the ICA. Eyeing up clothing at the highly conceptual, Social Suicide. Back to Cornwall for Grand Designs filming at the workshop, then sailing on 'Agnes', this stupidly beautiful boat built by Luke Powell, over the bank holiday. (Smug? Very.)


  1. David, glad to see that Grand Designs have finally caught up with you! Good for you.

    During my open house for the Hackney house one of the owners of Social Suicide, Simon, was one of the first visitors. I always liked the jacket with the Kalashnikov on it!

  2. Thanks John,

    Yeah, its taken a while for a (live) Grand Designs project to come up, but am very pleased it finally has.

    I know Simon, he used to be a partner a Poke, a super cool digital advertising agency, who left to pursue Social Suicide (amongst other things) more vigorously, about a year ago.
    Its a very cool little shop, just behind Carnaby street, if you are ever passing.

    Hope you are well and good John,

